We excel at being reliable, so that you can excel at being you.

We excel at being reliable, so that you can excel at being you.

Envision a future where your business runs effortlessly

Excello helps its partners solve the problem of incurring high costs to find, recruit, and retain personnel and provides the flexibility to ramp up or down as needed without negatively impacting the team’s stability.

We provide bespoke solutions to companies looking to streamline their business operations, reduce costs, and increase profits. Let us take care of your operational tasks while you focus on what matters most: growing your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Excello?

Every company has secondary business processes that are vital for the success of their enterprise, but aren’t necessarily their primary lines of business: things like payroll, software management, customer service & support, data input, etc.

Business Process Outsourcing is the general term for contracting out non-primary business activities to a third party. Outsourcing your secondary processes to Excello, will allow your business the flexibility it needs to operate in an ever changing market.

What is nearshore vs. offshore?

Nearshoring is a form of outsourcing arrangement performed in roughly the same time zone, with less than one days travel to reach the nearshore destination. Offshoring is an outsourcing arrangement usually performed at locations much farther than your place of business, usually on the opposite side of the world. Think Central America vs India and the Philippines.

Our Nicaraguan operation is nestled in the heart of Central America, just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the U.S. Flights are less than three hours from Houston or Miami, and less than six hours from Chicago, LA, or NYC.

Why Nicaragua?

Nicaragua has close cultural and historical ties to the United States. Everything from television and movies, to baseball being the national pastime, and scores of Nicaraguans having family and friends in the United States, it is one of the more “American-oriented” countries of Latin America. Many of our agents have spent time or lived in the United States, and are very much acquainted with American accents, slang, idioms, colloquialisms, etc. Most importantly, they understand the American customer.

Nicaragua plays an important role in the global economy by being the home of many competitive BPO providers. Many Nicaraguan outsourcing firms, including Excello, are designated as being in a Free Trade Zone (FTZ). To acquire this FTZ designation, firms must demonstrate strict compliance to standards regarding workplace environment, labor norms, wage requirements, etc. As a result, jobs in the BPO industry are highly sought after, allowing us to recruit the best talent.

Excello provides stable jobs to scores of young aspiring Nicaraguans, giving* them the opportunity to gain business expertise, learn about outside markets, and empower* them with the skills and experience they need to be successful in an increasingly intertwined global economy.

What do I get when I partner with Excello?

We have perfected the screening system in our recruitment process in order to find the best possible match between the skills and qualifications of the representatives and the tasks of each account.

When you partner with Excello, you can expect English proficient, bi-lingual, dedicated staff to your campaign. A team of agents & supervisors who operate 24 hours a day is only a phone call or email away should any issues arise. You can also expect regular communication with management and a Quarterly Business Review to ensure a beneficial partnership.

Nicaragua plays an important role in the global economy by being the home of many competitive BPO providers. Many Nicaraguan outsourcing firms, including Excello, are designated as being in a Free Trade Zone (FTZ). To acquire this FTZ designation, firms must demonstrate strict compliance to standards regarding workplace environment, labor norms, wage requirements, etc. As a result, jobs in the BPO industry are highly sought after, allowing us to recruit the best talent.

Excello provides stable jobs to scores of young aspiring Nicaraguans, giving* them the opportunity to gain business expertise, learn about outside markets, and empower* them with the skills and experience they need to be successful in an increasingly intertwined global economy.

How long does this take?

Depending on the size of your campaign and the agent profile required, agents can be in the seats within one week to one month. Our HR team has developed a stream-lined process to quickly hire and prepare new agents for campaigns of all sizes. Once the general terms are agreed upon, we will begin recruitment for your campaign while our IT department sets up your system requirements.

Are there any extra fees?

We like to keep it simple. We operate on a flat rate model. No implementation or introductory fees. Our pricing includes HR & Recruitment, Salary, Office Spaces, Workstations, IT Equipment & Support, Legal, Accounting, Health Insurance, Corporate Events & Workshops, etc…

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